Portrait of Marshall

Hi, I'm Marshall!

Thanks for visiting. Here's a little bit about me:

  • I am a master's student in computer science at Georgia Tech with an expected graduation date of December 2024
  • In 2023 I interned at both Amazon and Leidos, where I gained agile software development experience in web development and big data
  • Through experience with internships, school, and personal projects, I'm proficient in Python, TypeScript/JavaScript, AWS, Git, and many more technologies, including web development tools like Django and ReactJS

Graduate Coursework
MSCS @ Georgia Tech
Expected December 2024

Personal Projects

National Park Explorer

React, Redux, Django, PostgreSQL, HTML, and CSS

Knowing the mental and physical benefits of getting outside, I wanted to develop a web app that would allow people to get inspired by America's national parks. This fully responsive full-stack web app consumes three REST APIs from the National Park Service, OpenWeatherMap, and Leaflet to display information and weather data about national parks in both list and map format. Parks can be searched for, sorted, and filtered by multiple criteria so users can find parks more relevant to their interests. Additionally, to make the app more personalized, users can also sign up for an account to save their favorite parks to their profile for future reference.

GitHub Repo Live Demo
Screenshot of National Park Explorer Application Map
Screenshot of Photography Ecommerce Application

Photography Ecommerce

React, Redux, HTML, and CSS

As a hobbyist photographer, I wanted to practice my frontend skills by developing a simple and fully responsive ecommerce app for photography prints. The project was originally built with plain JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, but was later converted into a React and Redux application for better organization and maintainability.

The app provides users a full shopping experience, allowing them to adjust their cart at every step along the way. Primary functionality is listed below.

  • Add, update, and remove items from cart
  • Pull product data from a local JSON file
  • Image carousel and modal box for users to view all images for a product

GitHub Repo Live Demo

List Maker

React, HTML, and CSS

As someone who constantly makes lists—whether it's a to-do list, grocery list, or trip checklist—I wanted to build a web application for this purpose. The end result is a classic CRUD application for making checklists built with React, HTML, and CSS that allows users to sort and filter their lists based on desired criteria.

The greatest challenge I faced while building my first React project was learning how to properly update state variables using hooks. At times I struggled to understand why certain components were not re-rendering when I expected them to, but I learned a lot and gained confidence as I progressed through the project.

GitHub Repo Live Demo
Screenshot of Wiki Application
Screenshot of Wiki Application

Wiki App

Python/Django, HTML, and CSS

A wiki-style CRUD application made with Django using Python, HTML, and CSS. Functionality includes viewing, creating, editing, and deleting wiki entries, searching for entries, and selecting a page at random.

The app is deployed on Heroku where a live demo version can be viewed. Note: functionality has intentionally been limited for the demo.

GitHub Repo Live Demo
























Responsive Design





VS Code